Jméno: Malavika Madhavan
Narozen(a): 1998, Chennai, India
Email: malavikamadhavan98@gmail.com
Místnost: B264
• Bioakustika
• Good Shepherd Matriculation HSS, Chennai
• Bachelor studies – BSc. Zoology; Madras Christian College, Chennai
• Master studies: Biology, specialisation Communities and Ecosystems, Radboud University, Nijmegen.
• PhD studies (in progress) – programme Zoology; University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science
Ph.D. thesis Madhavan, M. (In progress) -Territorial males adjust their song according to intruder song complexity
M.Sc. thesis Madhavan, M. (2019) – Survival of a migratory songbird in connected populations: The Northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) in the Netherlands using a multi-state model.
van Turnhout C., F. Majoor, T.Zutt, Madhavan M., Jongejans E. (2020) Reproduction and survival of Northern Wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe in a rapidly changing coastal dune landscape. Limosa 93: 105-116.
Malavika Madhavan, Pavel Linhart, Martin Šálek, Lucie Hornátová, Alexandra Průchová. Does breeding density influence vocal individuality in the territorial calls of little owls (Athene noctua) in two central European populations? The 28th International Bioacoustics Congress, 27/10 – 01/11, 2023. Sapporo, Japan. (Live talk in-person).
Malavika Madhavan, Pavel Linhart. Vocal individuality in owls – A Comparative Review. Behaviour 2023, 14/08 – 20/08, 2023. Bielefeld, Germany. (Live talk in-person)
Malavika Madhavan, Melindy Dirks, Filipe C.R. Cunha, Leonardo E. Lopes. Song complexity in a neotropical passerine varies with plumage colour and is a sexually selected trait of male quality. International Ornithological Congress, 14/08 – 20/08, 2022. Durban, South Africa. (Speed talk recorded – virtual)
Madhavan M. Territorial males adjust their songs according to intruder song complexity. 7th European Student Conference on Behaviour and Cognition, 06/11 – 07/11, 2021. Budapest, Hungary. (live talk – virtual)
Malavika Madhavan, Pavel Linhart, Martin Šálek, Lucie Hornátová, Alexandra Průchová. Does breeding density influence vocal individuality in the territorial calls of little owls (Athene noctua) in two central European populations? 49. konference Ceska a Slovenska etologicka spolocnost, 03/11 – 06/11, 2022. Brno, Czech Republic. (Live talk in-person)
Zoe Lalonde: Is it possible to estimate vocal individuality in owl species reliably based on Xeno-Canto recordings? (MSc., in progress) – consultant supervisor
Loves everything owl-y and appreciates good food.