Research in Svalbard

In cooperation with the Czech polar centre, we study breeding biology and ecology of the arctic tern (Sterna paradisea) in Svalbard. During several stays at the polar station, we observed progress and success of breeding, risk of predation and the ability of parents to respond to the predation threat (human disturbance) in urban and natural parts of the archipelago

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Field experiments 2015 – Doupovské hory

In 2015, we conducted shrike research in Doupovské hory with one capture session where most of our research group participated and which resulted in captures of very nice species, such as kingfisher or water rail.

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Grünau im Almtal, Austria, 2016 - Jana Beránková

In year 2016, we again conducted experiments testing the antipredatory behaviour of the common raven (Corvus corax) in Cumberland Wildpark in Grünau im Almtal, Austria. Our team consisting of Míša Syrová and Jája Beránková visited during October and the beginning of November our fellow organization Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle which provided all the facilities for them in order to be able to conduct the experiments and to enjoy the beauty of the autumn Alps.

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A TV report about our research on shrikes 2016 (in Czech)

In this report of the South Bohemian TV, Míša Syrová and Petr Veselý summarize the design and significance of our research concerning the ability of shrike parents to defend their nest against predators.

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Weekend for secondary school teachers 2017

The first weekend for secondary school teachers focused on vertebrates was held by the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia on 23 – 25th June 2017 in western parts of the protected area Žďárské Vrchy. Petr Veselý and Michaela Syrová were presenting  high diversity of birds in this highland area of the Czech Republic. More infos at the web of Faculty of Science.

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