Fišer O, Veselý P, Syrová M, Němec M, Kopecká K, Perlová E, Fuchs R (2024) Size sometimes matters: recognition of known predators with artificially altered body size by untrained birds. Animal Behaviour 209, 1-7, DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2023.12.017.
Špička J, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2024) Function of juvenile plumage in goshawk (Accipiter gentilis): aggressive mimicry hypothesis. Journal of Avian Biology, DOI: 10.1111/jav.03192.
Veselý P, Nedvěd O, Borovička M, Adamovská M, Průchová A, Fuchs R, (2024) Responses of avian predators to polymorphic harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis). Ecological Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/een.13310.
Krausová, L., Veselý, P., Syrová, M., Antonová, K., Fišer, O., Chlumská, V., Pátková, M., Pužej, Š., & Fuchs, R. (2022). Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) versus common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus): An example of ineffective cuckoo–hawk mimicry. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9664. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9664
Veselý P, Syrová M, Voháňková M, Nácarová J, Havlíček J, Fuchs R (2021) Cowards or clever guys: an alternative nest defence strategy employed by shrikes against magpies.
Animal Cognition, DOI : 10.1007/s10071-021-01552-x.
Sam K, Kovarova E, Freiberga I, Uthe H, Weinhold A, Jorge L R, Sreeker R (2021) Great tits (Parus major) flexibly learn that herbivore-induced plant volatiles indicate prey location: An experimental evidence with two tree species. Ecology and Evolution 11-16: 10917-10925
Veselý P, Dobrovodský J, Fuchs R (2021) Predation by avian predators may have initiated the evolution of myrmecomorph spiders.
Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-96737-2.
Soukupová T, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2021) Wariness to colour patterns – birds vs. European red-and-black insects.
Ecological Entomology, 46 (5): 1157-1164, DOI: 10.1111/een.13060.
Antonová, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2021) Untrained birds’ ability to recognise predators with changed body size and colouration in a field experiment.
BMC Ecology and Evolution, 21: 21-74, DOI: 10.1186/s12862-021-01807-8.
Němec M, Součková T, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2021) A kestrel without hooked beak and talons is not a kestrel for the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio).
Animal Cognition, 24: 957–968, DOI: 10.1007/s10071-020-01450-8.
J Havlíček, J Riegert, J Bandhauerová, R Fuchs, M Šálek (2021) Species-specific breeding habitat association of declining farmland birds within urban environments: conservation implications
Urban Ecosystems, 1-12 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-021-01111-9
Syrová M, Hromádková T, Pavel V, Veselý P (2020) Responses of nesting Arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea) to disturbance by humans.
Polar Biology, 43(5), 399-407, DOI: 10.1007/s00300-020-02641-2.
Davídková M, Veselý P, Syrová M, Nácarová J, Bugnyar T (2020) Ravens respond to unfamiliar corvid alarms.
Journal of Ornithology, 161, 967-975, DOI: 10.1007/s10336-020-01781-w.
Nováková N, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2020) Object categorization by wild ranging birds- nest defence.
Animal Cognition, 23:203-213, DOI: 10.1007/s10071-019-01329-3.
Linhart P, Osiejuk T, Budka M, Šálek M, Špinka M, Policht R, Syrová M, Blumstein DT (2019)
Measuring individual identity information in animal signals: Overview and performance of available identity metrics.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10(9): 1558-1570.
Špinka M, Syrová M, Policht R, Linhart P (2019)
Early vocal ontogeny in a polytocous mammal: no evidence of social learning among sibling piglets, Sus scrofa.
Animal Behaviour 151: 9-19.
Aslam M, Veselý P. Nedvěd O (2019) Response of passerine birds and chicks to larvae and pupae of ladybirds.
Ecological Entomology, 44:792-799, DOI: 10.1111/een.12756.
M Ferenc, O Sedlacek, R Fuchs, M Fraissinet, D Storch (2019) Geographic trends in range sizes explain patterns in bird responses to urbanization in Europe
European Journal of Ecology 5 (2), 16-29
Fuchs R, Veselý P, Nácarová J (2019) Predator recognition in birds: The use of key features.
Springer Briefs in Animal Sciences, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-12404-5, ISBN: 978-3-030-12402-1.
M Ferenc, O Sedláček, R Fuchs, D Hořák, L Storchová, M Fraissinet, D Storch (2018) Large-scale commonness is the best predictor of bird species presence in European cities
Urban ecosystems 21 (2), 369-377
Špinka M, Syrová M, Policht R, Linhart P (2018)
Individual stability in vocalization rates of pre-weaning piglets.
Journal of Animal Science 96: 11-16.
Ceryngier P, Nedvěd O, Grez A A, Riddick E W, Roy H E, San Martin G, Steenberg T, Veselý P, Zaviezo T, Zúniga-Reinoso Á, Haelewaters D
Predators and parasitoids of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, in its native range and invaded areas
Biological Invasions 20 (4): 1009-1031.
Nácarová J, Veselý P, Bugnyar T
Ravens adjust their antipredatory responses to con-and hetero-specific alarms to the perceived threat
Ethology 124 (8): 609-616.
Nácarová J, Veselý P, Fuchs R
Effect of the exploratory behaviour on a bird’s ability to categorize a predator
Behavioural Processes 151: 89-95.
Špinka M, Syrová M, Policht R, Linhart P
Individual stability in vocalization rates of preweaning piglets
Journal of Animal Science 96 (1): 11-16.
Strnadová I, Němec M, Strnad M, Veselý P, Fuchs R
The nest defence by the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio – support for the vulnerability hypothesis
Journal of Avian Biology 49 (5): jav-01726.
Beneš J, Veselý P (2017)
The ability of lizards to identify an artificial Batesian mimic.
Zoology 123: 46-52.
Bílá K, Beránková J, Veselý P, Bugnyar T, Schwab C (2017)
Responses of urban crows to con- and hetero-specific alarm calls in predator and non-predator zoo enclosures.
Animal Cognition 20: 43-51.
Nováková N, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2017)
Object categorization by wild ranging birds – winter feeder experiments.
Behavioural Processes 143: 7-12.
Průchová A, Jaška P, Linhart P (2017)
Cues to individual identity in songs of songbirds: Testing general song characteristics in chiffchaffs.
Journal of Ornithology; doi:10.1007/s10336-017-1455-6.
Ptacek L, Vanek J, Eisner J, Průchová A, Linhart P, Muller L, Jirotkova D (2017)
Bird-Adapted Filter for Avian Species and Individual Identification Systems Improvement. Talk.
ICAA 2017: 19th International Conference on Acoustics and Applications, Copenhagen, Denmark. Conference paper.
Syrová M, Policht R, Linhart P, Špinka M
Ontogeny of individual and litter identity signaling in grunts of piglets
Journal of Acoustical Society of America 142: 3116-3121
Veselý P, Ernestová B, Nedvěd O, Fuchs R (2017)
Do predator energy demands or previous exposure influence protection by aposematic coloration of prey?
Current Zoology 63 (3): 259-267.
Ferenc M, Sedlacek O, Mourkova J et al. (2016)
Disentangling the influences of habitat availability, heterogeneity and spatial position on the species richness and rarity of urban bird communities in a central European city.
URBAN ECOSYSTEMS 19 (3): 1265-1281.
Karlíková Z, Veselý P, Beránková J, Fuchs R (2016)
Low ability of great tits to discriminate similarly inconspicuous edible and inedible prey.
Ethology 122 (2): 180-191.
Syrová M, Němec M, Veselý P, Landová E, Fuchs R (2016)
Facing a Clever Predator Demands Clever Responses – Red-Backed Shrikes (Lanius collurio) vs. Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica).
PloS ONE 11(7): e0159432.
Turini A, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2016)
Five species of passerine bird differ in their ability to detect Batesian mimics.
Biological Journal of The Linnean Society, 117, 832-841.
Veselý P, Buršíková M, Fuchs R (2016)
Birds at the winter feeder do not recognize an artificially coloured predator.
Ethology 122 (12): 937-344.
Beránková J, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2015)
The role of body size in predator recognition by untrained birds.
Behavioural Processes 120: 128-134.
Jaska P, Linhart P, Fuchs R (2015)
Neighbour recognition in two sister songbird species with a simple and complex repertoire – a playback study.
Kučera T, Kloubcová P, Veselý P (2015)
Diverse vegetation in a spa town supports human social benefits of urban birds. Biodiversity and Conservation 24 (13): 3329-3346.
Linhart P, Fuchs R (2015)
Song pitch indicates body size and correlates with males’ response to playback in a songbird.
Němec M, Syrová M, Dokoupilová L, Veselý P, Šmilauer P, Landová E, Lišková S, Fuchs R (2015)
Surface texture plays important role in predator recognition by Red-backed Shrikes in field experiment.
Animal Cognition 18(1): 259–268.
Salek M, Havlicek J, Riegert J, et al. (2015)
Winter density and habitat preferences of three declining granivorous farmland birds: The importance of the keeping of poultry and dairy farms.
Beránková J, Veselý P, Sýkorová J, Fuchs R (2014)
The role of key features in predator recognition by untrained birds.
Animal Cognition 17 (4): 963-971.
Cibulková A, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2014)
Importance of conspicuous colours in warning signals? The Great tit’s (Parus major) point of view.
Evolutionary Ecology 28 (3): 427-439.
Ferenc M, Sedlacek O, Fuchs R (2014)
How to improve urban greenspace for woodland birds: site and local-scale determinants of bird species richness.
URBAN ECOSYSTEMS 17 (2): 625-640.
Ferenc M, Sedlacek O, Fuchs R, Dinetti M, Fraissinet M, Storch D (2014)
Are cities different? Patterns of species richness and beta diversity of urban bird communities and regional species assemblages in Europe.
Němec M, Fuchs R (2014)
Nest defense of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio against five corvid species. ACTA ETHOLOGICA 17 (3): 149-154.
Průchová A, Nedvěd O, Veselý P, Ernestová B, Fuchs R (2014)
Visual warning signals of the ladybird Harmonia axyridis: the avian predators’ point of view.
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 151 (2): 128-134.
Tesařová M, Fric Z, Veselý P, Konvička M, Fuchs R (2013)
European checkerspots (Melitaeini: Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) are not aposematic – the point of view of great tits (Parus major).
Ecological Entomology 38 (2): 155-163.
Veselý P, Luhanová D, Prášková M, Fuchs R (2013)
Generalization of mimics imperfect in colour patterns: the point of view of wild avian predators.
Ethology 119: 138-145.
Veselý P, Veselá S, Fuchs R (2013)
The responses of Central European avian predators to an allopatric aposematic true bug.
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 25 (3): 275-288.
Strnad M, Němec M, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2012)
Red-backed Shrikes (Lanius collurio) adjust the mobbing intensity, but not mobbing frequency, by assessing the potential threat to themselves from different predators.
Ornis Fennica 89 (3): 206–215.
Prokopová M, Veselý P, Fuchs R, Zrzavý J (2010)
The role of size and colour pattern in protection of developmental stages of the red firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) against avian predators.
Biological Journal of The Linnean Society 100: 890–898.
Dolenská M, Nedvěd O, Veselý P, Tesařová M, Fuchs R (2009)
What constitutes optical warning signals of ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) towards bird predators: colour, pattern or general look?
Biological Journal of The Linnean Society 98 (1): 234-242.
Němec M, Bušek O, Lípa M (2009)
Chřástal polní (Crex crex) na kraslicku a v karlovarském kraji v letech 2005–2009. Příroda Kraslicka 2: 157–170
Veselý P, Fuchs R (2009)
Newly emerged Batesian mimicry protects only unfamiliar prey.
Evolutionary Ecology 23 (6): 919-929.
Veselý P, Veselá S, Fuchs R, Zrzavý J (2006)
Are gregarious red-black shieldbugs, Graphosoma lineatum (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), really aposematic? An experimental approach.
Evolutionary Ecology Research 8: 881–890.